centre pompidou

La Vie En Rose/ Hello 2015

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Paris, France/ November 2014/ Louis Vuitton learning Journey

Morning walks to breakfast, speed walking through the parisian streets, historical/garden walks, museum hopping/sketching, LV workshops/exhibitions, daily routines down the metro, dinners together in the hotel room, chilly winter wind, walking through piles of yellow leaves, napkin discussions, using our windowsill as a natural refrigerator (oh yes). Huge thank you to everyone on the trip making it all possible! I’d say its a quiet world wind of a city in all its bloody historical glory from the street performers to its epic museums. Thank you, Paris for making this second time round so memorable. And thank you to anyone who actually looked/scrolled through this shit ton of pictures \(^o^)/.

A few hours back from the New Year’s party and a few hours to the first day of school. I guess this can only mean that this is where I shift gears and give this little page a little break, or at least, I’d be unable to post as often as I usually do. Just want to thank you all for sticking around. :-) So, till next time while I’m busy getting married to IB.

Have a kickass year guys.

“Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground”-Theodoore Roosevelt

♫La Vie En Rose- Foxtails Brigade 

x Alyshea Mo